Participant Guidelines & Application

Sign up to walk, march, or ride in Chester County's largest Memorial Day Parade

We invite veterans, military groups, community organizations, local businesses, and entertainers to participate in the parade. Please review the guidelines below and complete the application form by Friday, May 2, 2025.

Application Form

Parade Participant Guidelines


  1. Parade participants must submit a Application Form by May 2, 2025.
  2. Application submission does NOT guarantee applicants participation. All entrants will be notified by phone or email if your entry is approved or denied for participation.
  3. Participants must provide their own vehicles, power generators, decorations, etc. We will confirm car availability for veterans and/or dignitaries.
  4. Participants must make their own travel arrangements to the lineup area and following the conclusion of the parade.
  5. Line up locations and instructions will be emailed to accepted participant entries no later than Monday, May 12, 2025.
  6. The committee will determine the parade lineup. Veterans and military groups will march or ride in the front of the parade. Special requests or lineup accommodations must be submitted in writing via the Application Form in the “special circumstances” section. We will do our best to accommodate these requests when possible.

Permitted Entries

  1. We encourage individuals and groups from all backgrounds to participate in the parade. Selections for participation will be made without regard to the participant’s race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or economic status.
  2. No political campaign activity will be permitted. Elected officials and other dignitaries may participate in the parade but will not be permitted to advertise or distribute campaign materials.
  3. Parade entries may not promote the use of illegal substances or contain hateful, malicious, or vulgar language or imagery. Kennett Collaborative reserves the right to require removal of any items that violate these rules.
  4. The parade’s purpose is to remember, honor and pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of our military veterans, and to celebrate the diverse people, culture, and freedoms our military fought to defend. Kennett Collaborative may, at its sole discretion, remove any parade participants and their property that are found to be inappropriate, offensive, dangerous, or inconsistent with this purpose.

Participant Conduct

  1. Participants are expected to show respect for each other, spectators, Kennett Collaborative staff, volunteers, public safety officers, and surrounding businesses. No vulgar or hateful language, discrimination, or harassment will be tolerated.
  2. Participants are responsible for the safety of their own vehicles and their belongings or persons in vehicles. If there is an emergency, call 911. Any incidents that are not emergencies should be reported to Kennett Collaborative staff or volunteers as soon as possible.


  1. If inclement weather is forecasted, a decision to proceed or cancel will be made by Kennett Collaborative and communicated to all participants as close as possible to the parade’s scheduled performance day.
  2. Participants should prepare for the weather and bring water for personal hydration.

Fees & Invoicing

  1. There is no fee to participate in the Kennett Square Memorial Day Parade!
  2. The parade is made possible by individual donations and sponsorships from local businesses. Click here to donate or sponsor the parade. Thank you for your support!
  3. All funds from parade sponsors will only be used for the administration and production of the Kennett Memorial Day Parade.

These guidelines are subject to change without notice at the discretion of Kennett Collaborative and the Memorial Day Parade Committee.

Volunteers Needed!

Join our enthusiastic group of volunteers who make this parade possible!

Sign Up Today!